Oh Love...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Messy lives. We all have them but pretend that we don’t. Maybe not all, but a lot of us like to hide them. It’s all about vulnerability really – we don’t want it. The reality though, is that without vulnerability we won’t get very far in life.
And that statement has proven to be so true in the few weeks I’ve been married, because marriage is tough. Oh so tough.
Get two completely different people under a roof and you will get a recipe for chaos. There are some funny chaotic situations, like telling your wife at 11pm that we are supposed to bring a side dish to a party the next day, leaving this wanting-to-prove-she’s-a-good-wife woman virtually no time to make anything. But then you run to publix to get some hot wings and sigh with relief when realizing that we are in America, so if you bring any dish primarily made of wings to a party… people will eat them!
And then you have some nasty chaotic situations, like the ones where tears brake lose and other places seem to do so also. The kind that drain you, and leave your heart hurting. The kind we wish never took place. The kind that makes marriage so, so difficult, and the transition from independence and not having to really care that much about another’s problem far from easy. But well, what do we expect? We are human.
Throw in your fears, baggage, insecurities, upbringing, past, dreams, needs, desires, schedules, responsibilities, jobs, families, and preferences – and things will surely be confusing and difficult to figure out.
On top of it all, attacks come subtly but swiftly soon after the “I do.” From all sides. Whether it’s a combination of all the things mentioned above at the worst possible time, or us, saying something without thinking of the consequence, or even others talking about something they know nothing about – and then it will get even more difficult.
I honestly had never known this kind of relationship, this kind of intimacy. It is tough, it is tiring. But at the end of the day, it is SO WORTH IT.
Why? Because this kind of thing is truly amazing and it is really about an adventurous learning experience about love and what it implies. The fact that he is my best friend makes it so much easier. The fact that we serve the same God, who convicts us individually and together, is what gives us peace after those crazy fights.
It is truly something beautiful. Even in the little things, like when he surprises me with a sketch of 52 things he loves about me after a long day at work. Or like finding out a new way of loving my husband and thanking him for being who he is. And even finding that if I speak in a really high pitched voice and I squish his cheeks together he will blush like a two year old and I will giggle like a middle school girl. I absolutely love it, and there is no one I would rather share my life with.
So here’s to marriage: a messy but wonderful thing. Something that these words do not do justice to. Something that still seems so surreal but every day is so real. And here’s to my husband: A loving and lovable amazing man, whom I completely admire and makes me want to be a better wife everyday.

Chicken and a story

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I love productive days! Today was awesome like that. I did a bunch of errands from home (really, just lots of phone calls), but also I got to buy a super duper deal to get a dental exam, x-rays, and teeth cleaning for only $45 - ah I love deals like those!

Then I went for an overdue doctor visit, hit up pet smart to shop for my dog that's coming home to me on Friday! It turns out though, Pet Smart can be a little expensive. I love the place, don't get me wrong, but so many years of saving every last penny taught me that you can find cheap stuff for better than cheap quality. I was specifically looking for a little bed for him. I wanted something comfortable for him, but also something pleasing to the eye. The cheapest one was $27. So I decided to check out Bed Bath and Beyond. I remember buying his bed there last time. And yep, I found the perfect one there for $10! Perfect!

While at BB&B my mom and I went through all the aisles, kind of the see what they had so I can prepare for the upcoming registry that Ryan and I will do soon. Ah it was so exciting. Just the thought of having our own home, and living life with him is so exciting! I can't wait. I was like a little girl in a candy store just thinking of the future and what it could look like!

We got home and my daddy-o grilled the yummiest chicken ever! Seriously, he was never the cooking or grilling type. As far as food was concerned, for him the only association was to eat it. He tried to make a shrimp soup thing once, it was his very first try at cooking. Needless to say, it traumatized him and took him a few years to try again. But this time, he is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I'm so, so proud of him.

And then I hopped on my laptop and did some work applications. I picked starbucks, and then a hotel spa receptionist. So those are the typical jobs I would go for, but I realized after submitting the applications that I'm kind of picky. I want something that is fast paced, with lots of interaction with people, that requires creativity and hopefully something exciting! So, while I am definitely not strict about these, a girl can dream. So if anyone knows of anything that describes this, let me know! For now, I can work at something not ideal, but effective, which right now means money in my pocket.

Creativity Today
I didn't get a chance to do much today, however, I still wanted to share a little side project of mine. Really its more like a creativity incentive and a hobby. My husband to be is probably the most supportive and encouraging person when it comes to my talents. He's challenged me to tap more into my creativity, and really he is the reason this blog was born. But among that, he also encouraged me to write a short story, so here are two short excerpts of it. This is my creative thing for today, enjoy :)

 It was a story that was often mistaken as legend. Seven riders once existed. Their duty: to patrol the earth. They were beautiful of appearance, but it was a beauty consisting of masculinity and honor. Their beauty, although new and striking to men, was not made to lust after. Their beauty went beyond their physical attributes. It was the way they carried themselves, their stern yet gentle faces. They radiated light, but more as the moon does than how the sun does. They were the representation of something far greater, lovelier, and more powerful - beyond human comprehension. If anyone ever got to see them in their majestic splendor (a wonder that was heard of only once in a thousand years), it was said that the lucky person was changed forever - it was what a spiritual experience would be like (if such thing existed), full of wonder. Ironically though, it was said that people lost sight of this. Not guided by people's thoughts, however, the riders continued to travel the earth, carrying out their duty with love. Humans, however, were no longer aware of them, and at an encounter with them, their veil of ignorance and self interest prevented them from seeing such wonders.


It was a hot and dry day. The clouds gave an eerie feel while they yielded a much needed shadow over the desert. A few drafts of cool air mocked the almost permanent steam that evaporated from the sand. This was, however, a place of contrasts, for as dead as it seemed, the deeper into the desert, the more life that began to appear.
She woke up as the heat threatened her skin. She laid there, face down, in the dry and cracking ground where little wild flowers struggled to make their way through the cracks in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the sunlight. It was an interesting scene, for in this devastating space, she seemed to be comfortably sleeping. She opened her eyes and saw the horizon, it took a minute for her to realize were she was, and she just laid there, without a movement or sound, and just took it all in. This place was so desolate, so hidden, yet so big! It was easy to feel insignificant, weak, and lost in this vast desert, yet she had never felt so strong and at peace in her life. She felt courageous and up to the adventure. She had a mission, but didn't know exactly what it was, she just knew to get up and walk. As she held on to her pendant, she felt confidence and a sense of purpose she had never felt before. This place was like nothing she had ever seen before, it was as if she was looking through a different kind of lense. Everything seemed much richer, the colors (even though it was the desert) seemed like it had been created with more passion. Or perhaps it was that humanity hadn't had a chance to dull its natural hues. And although she had never seen or experienced anything like this before, this place gave an air of familiarity that comforted her.
She slowly got up, dusted off her clothes, took in a deep breath and went on her journey.


Great Danes & Kids

Monday, March 21, 2011

Well, its Monday again! Time really does fly. It is something I keep becoming more aware of.

He's like a person. Really.
This past weekend I got to hang out with my brother a whole lot, hang out with two cuddly and loving great danes, babysit, and relax.
So on Saturday I got to bring my brother with me to watch Danielle and Neal's pups, and they are usually the most laid back and friendly dogs I know. But I don't know if it was that when my brother was walking up to the door he surprised Brody, but he flipped. It was really funny, because by 'flipped' all I mean is that he started barking without cease, and well if you know these two, their bark is very intimidating. So my brother pretty much ended up sitting on the couch, without making any movement, and using his backpack as a sort of shield. It was hilarious! And then Brody realized my bro was no threat and moved on to eat his food. Ah I love dogs.

My 'viejito'
Speaking of, mine is coming this week, and I couldn't be more excited!!! I've missed my little baby so much, and I really hope he remembers me. There will be one reaaaaally spoiled dog in Tampa Bay this weekend!

So anyways, I also got to babysit Ben and Lucas, the two best behaved kids I know. Ben is the talker, he knows so many facts about trains and train engineering, seriously it made me wonder if I was so passionate at the age of 7... probably not. And Lucas, ah he's the sweetie. He just hangs out quietly, with the biggest smile on his face. They're both so smart and funny. We were supposed to watch "Up" which I was so excited about because I love that movie! But somehow while I was talking to their parents on their way out, the switched the movie and just kept giggling. I found later, the switcheroo was the reason behind it. We ended up watching "The Polar Express" and can I just admit, the only thing going through my mind while I watched was the fact that it was really really creepy.

Sunday night I got to hang out with Kels, Tiff, their friend Will, and Ryan and my bro. We played some Just Dance and had some laughs at the guys dancing, haha what a fun game!

And today, Monday, consisted of a pretty productive day. My parents came back and we got to have lunch together and catch up, and then the biggest and most exciting thing that happened was that I got to pick up my work permit, woo hoo! I have been waiting for this forever! Praise the Lord, I can't believe this day is here!

Creativity Today
I usually have a main calendar I write important things on, but it is the kind that each day is a little square so there's not a lot of room to write everything I need to do in a day - so I usually end up writing my daily to-do list on post-its that get lost and if I don't get to finish all my tasks, I easily forget the next day what I need to do to make for the day before.

The materials for my project. Again, all things I had at
home, so this project cost me $0

So I thought of this little design. I wanted a visual and noticeable reminder at home that served its purpose, but also that looked pretty - so my colors were based on the little piece of furniture I refurbished a few days ago. I wanted it to display yesterday's list (with the things I got to do crossed, and the ones I didn't still there), today's list so I had goals throughout the day, and tomorrow's goals, to which I could add what I didn't finish today. Does that make sense? I think the visual aid will help:

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for the future"
So there you have it. I realized that using a 2 by 4 wasn't the ideal material, because it makes it really heavy, so I will probably use something different next time!
But I'm pretty happy about it for it to be the first try!

'Til tomorrow!

Rain, rain!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Today was a good and relaxing day. I got to babysit Cam again, and like always, he was a complete joy. Then I got home and hung out with the bro a little bit - I love being able to spend time with him, all our little talks about art, cell phones, cars, growing up, and watching movies, I take to heart. He is growing up so fast! I can't believe he is in High School. Crazy. But like always, I am so proud of the person he is.
I also made a few phone calls for wedding stuff, and sadly I found out Outback is no longer catering for smaller events like a wedding! Blah so sad about this one, I really wanted a more laid back, but enjoyable and good dinner for our wedding. But, I am more than positive that something better will come along.

After a while we spontaneously went with Kels to Tiff's for dinner, and it was so good to see her new place! She did such a good job decorating it and putting it together, and I am so happy for her! Also, she makes the best spaghetti ever, no joke. So it was great to hang out with the girls, and Juan - but poor Juan, I think he heard more than enough girl talk today, ha!

And then it was home to have a movie night, we watched Easy A, and The Switch - which I loooved! The kid in it was so adorable, and not your typical pretty little boy with an attitude, but a more normal kid that deals with issues and fears. And the kid and Jason Bateman combo, uh yeah! Now, I love movies all of kinds (unless they are scary movies), so if you're a movie snob, then don't take my opinion into account. If you, however, just enjoy movies and want to be entertained, then you must watch this!

And now I am typing this, craving cupcakes because DC cupcakes is on. I promise, next time I go to DC I am definitely waiting in line (unlike last year) and trying a mojito cupcake! And maybe I'll convince Ryan to stop at Frostings Etc., in South Tampa ... they have THE best chocolate chip cookie dough cupcake (and I don't even like cookie, but their stuff is a-mazing!), plus they have other flavors I'd like to try, like their Margarita and Guinness Beer ones!

Creativity Today
So yesterday I started on my mixed media painting, and today I got to finish it while I watched movies with Juan. Let me tell ya, this was so fun! I seemed to find more freedom in this kind of paintings, and like I could just let loose more than usual and let the painting take a life of its own! I am super happy about it. All I knew when I started it was that I wanted the main focus to be a girl that was walking in the rain. That was it. So there was no plan. I just took out a bunch of material and starting gluing, painting, cropping, adding, etc. 

So why is this mixed media, you ask? Well, there is a mixture of tissue paper, crepe paper, strips scrap booking paper, cut outs of book pages, acrylics, glue, and aluminum foil... on canvas. Bear in mind though, that all the pictures I have posted on this blog come straight from my phone. I touch them up a bit, but still the quality is not great, so yeah.

And now all I want to do is go run in the rain like I used to when I was little! Too bad Tampa Bay's rain is usually accompanied by lighting. And that its not raining right now, ha!

I should go to bed...

Sweat and glue

Thursday, March 17, 2011

So today was an awesome day! A little tiring, but really fun!
It all started with me waking up at 6:20 to take my brother to school, ughh I am NOT a morning person, and even less so when the morning still looks like night! And it definitely doesn't help when I go to bed soooo late the night before. I don't know what it is, but I love the solitude of the night - being able to be by myself, doing art or something different to the norm of the every day life, that totally makes time go by without notice. But either way, I went back to bed after, and woke up with five minutes to get ready... Ryan was on his way to pick me up to go to the NCAA games!

Oh what fun! The only basketball games I've gone to have been in high school, when I went to IRC, and let me tell ya.. I absolutely loved them! There's just something about the adrenaline, suspense, speed, and squeaky noise of tennis shoes on the court that get me super pumped! And so not that I was into the NCAA before, but after today, I am hooked! Sadly, both of the teams I was rooting for lost, but I had so much fun with my love. Although I did talk his ear off a couple of times and asked way too many questions about how the championship worked ("seed?" "What happened? Oh a foul, why?" You get the idea), he was so great and patient with me, and explained tons of things... And that, is one of the reasons why I am marrying him :)
So I learned a few things. West Virginia is the yellow team, Clemson was the underdog. U. Kentucky people are cocky (I know I know, I shouldn't generalize, but that was the vibe I got there), and Princeton has the most fun band!!

Anywho, my night ended with some more basketball on the tv at home, a runny and not very yummy spaghetti that I prepared (I got distracted and didn't take it out of the boiling water on time), Off the Map - love that show, and some painting prep for tomorrow's creative activity!

Creativity Today
So for a long time I have wanted to try out doing a mixed media painting, but never got the courage to do it, the texture, color, and abstract concept to it was kind of intimidating. But recently, I was inspired by Marjolyn van der Hart's work, and I decided to give it a try! And since I am pretty tired, I decided to split the work into two days - because I know myself, and I could easily stay up all night working on this. So here is the prep work. There has been minimum paint used to this point, its been mostly a work of textures, papers, and glue. And because its not close to be finished, I'm posting a picture with not so much focus on the painting itself, but the work behind it, so here it is!

It is bed time for me! So come back tomorrow to see how much depth, meaning, and overall consistency the actual paint will give to this piece. I'm so excited about this one!

I can work!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So yesterday was a good day, got to babysit again... and man, do I love kids! Well, ok I say that now that I can give them back after a couple of hours, ha! I really don't know how moms do it, kudos to all of them! I know I want to have kids, but not quite yet, still I looove hanging out with kids!
So the rest of the day was pretty ordinary, except, wait! I got notice that my job permit arrived at school, woo! I have been waiting for this since Feb 1st... Gotta love immigration, ugh! But I am now at a place where I can get a real job and starting making, saving, and investing some money. I'm so looking forward to officially opening my business and being adventurous!
Then I got started on my creative thing of the day, the fiance arrived, and we headed to Lee Roy Selmon's to pick up our side for Neal's birthday cookout at their place. Got to hang out with some of the people I love the most. Seriously, this is family.
And then it was back home where we busted some dance moves with Kels, Ryan, Juan and myself. That game is addicting, and every time I play it its so on the spot, which makes it more fun, because I'm working out, but actually enjoying it. And that, is the best kind of work out for moi!

Creativity TodaySo cooking is an every day kind of thing, especially when it comes to my mom. And she is the best cook I know, her food = comfort to me. I l-o-v-e it! But ever since she came, we've been talking about getting an apron, and we always, always, forget to get one when we're at the store. Its so silly, we need to take some ginko and see if our memory improves.
Well, anyways, the other day I was thinking about it, and I decided to make an apron for her. Now for most of my projects I would rather spend $0 dollars, since right now I can't afford anything really, and besides, it pushes me to be more creative. So recently I had gone through my closet and I remembered that there were a couple of tops that were hand-me-downs that I thought were super cute but never fit right, but I still kept them. And voila! There's my fabric. So I have no sewing machine, but I can do some basic sewing by hand! Here is my project!

So here are the two tops that I started off with

I cute them both right under the bust line, ironed both of them, attached the white one under the gray one (to both add length and a different texture) with just needle and white thread, and then also made the gray sash be permanently attached in the lower portion. I then used the left over material to make a flower, and a little pocket. And that's it!

Here is the finished product!
And here are the details!

So in all, the project probably took me about two hours! But it was fun, different (I have never, ever, done anything like this before), and I cannot wait to give it to my mom when I see her next week!!

Anywho, that's it for today!

The weekend and more.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

So I've been slacking a little bit in the whole writing a blog-per-day department, but bear with me, I'm new.
So to recap the last couple of days, Friday I didn't even have a chance to go on my laptop, I was in Land-O-Lakes for a job opp with the parents. I see how much of them is in me, I'm so happy I inherited some of their creativity and skill to work with their hands, to be crafty, its really neat. We've enjoyed watching HGTV together lately, ah I love the design shows!
After the job visit, we got to go to two possible wedding reception venues, and a sigh of relief escaped in me! I was so happy with both of them, and they both have our ideal date available. So happy! Now we're working on the cost analysis to be able to make a smart decision and be happy with it!

Saturday I did some spring cleaning in my room, phew, that seemed like it took all day, but it was kind of like a therapeutic cleaning, got to get rid of stuff I don't need or use, and organize things a bit. And then at night I got to hang out with my guy, and watch RED with him, mom and brother, while making on-the-spot trophies for our church's field day.
I found out we were in charge of doing them at around 10pm. No joke. So we improvised and I was pretty happy with it. We spent $0, and I had fun. I'm always up for anything creative. I only wish I had taken pictures to show them here. So I'll just describe them: The winning house church got a one litter ginger ale bottle covered in aluminum foil on a rounded cardboard stand - it was named "Solomon's Cup." The losing house church got a little water bottle covered in aluminum foil on a rounded stand (which came from a blank CDs storage thing) - it was named "Thanks for trying." The craziest (behavior or clothing) person got the "Look at me award" and it consisted of a old stuffed animal that we spray painted with different bright colors and put sunglasses on. The messiest person got a roll of toilet paper spray painted in silver paint and on a rounded cardboard stand. And the MVP got a duct tape nike tennis shoe - which took the longest to make!
So I figured this counted as my Friday creative thing.

Anywho, Sunday was breakfast at Dan and Carol's and off to field day. Ah it was fun, and good memories there, since it was during last year's field day that I met the love of my life. We had some good laughs, food, and then it was back home to relax. I immediately crashed on the couch while Ryan and my bro watched the basketball thing where they pick the teams that go on the championship? Yeah, can ya tell I don't keep up with sports at all?!

Then we did some wedding stuff with my mom, and that was that.

Yesterday I got to work on a project that I hadn't been able to do much with lately, but made some good progress and finished it today! Then off to the airport to pick up Janeth, and got to be excited of a (hopefully) soon visit to the homeland. Ah how I miss that place! I really can't wait to take Ryan, and Kels there one day soon. The food, the people, ah, you will never understand and appreciate it if you don't experience Colombia yourself!
And then of course, my very first bachelor finale. And yes, I was hooked. I don't want to admit it, because the show really is ridiculous and I don't believe in that kind of love, but whatever, it was entertaining!

And finally today. I was able to finish my project. Work out. Finish the venue cost analysis. And watch Glee (which has gotten a little more graphic than I would like). And got to post more of my mom and I's little watch project on Etsy. Here's a little preview of what they look like:

Ready for shipping and gift-giving

This is how they look on
So if you're looking for something little and practical to give as a gift, head to my store. Currently this is the only item on sale, but will soon be adding more!

Creativity Today
So a couple of months ago I picked up a cute little shelf thing with the idea to revamp it. I never knew how much time I would invest in this, but now I know most of the time came as a result of my inexperience and lack of planning. I learned my lesson. But I also made myself finish the project, as daunting as it became. And I couldn't be happier with the result!

So this is it, in its original form. There's not much to it really, no wow or cool factor, so I wanted to add something to it. I sanded it down, and started thinking of what I wanted it to look like.

Here it is sanded, and and almost ready for a coat of primer.

After a few coats of vanilla paint, and some aging techniques on the edges, here is my final product! I took the little drawers out, and did the same process with them.

And here is the vintage, but modern feel that I was going for on the edges!

Now to find a place to put use it and pretty it up more with flowers and little decorations. This could perhaps be a little display shelf for my souvenirs of my travels around the world, I've never had a proper and appropriate place to display them!

I gotta say, I am loving this daily creativity thing!

Til tomorrow! (I mean it!)

Dance, pictures & Stop Motion

Friday, March 11, 2011

So yesterday was a good day, I slept in a bit, like I usually do because I go to bed way too late... getting a job soon will be a nice schedule adjustment, but the first morning is going to be a killer!
So I got a couple of quotes for wedding stuff... I feel like all these venue issues are going to be resolved soon, Lord willing, and I cannot wait to get to really focus on the little creative details, and really to just get married to my love!

Today I realized what the perfect work out for me is, you ready for this one? Just Dance on the Wii! I know, I know, I feel like I'm 15 when I say that, but oh my word, its so much fun! You see, I absolutely hate going to the gym, sometimes I'll pretend I like it, but I really don't. I think part of it is that the whole experience is so vague, and awkward! I never know what to do first, and making eye contact with any of the strangers there is just so weird! I don't know, maybe one day I'll warm up to it. But back to the point, the workout today was crazy cool and fun, I did the Just Sweat portion of the game, with 7 songs in a row, and oh man! I started feeling it during the second song! Seriously speaking though, anyone who hates the gym, or running, needs to do this. And I should get paid for free publicity to the makers of this game.

Later in the afternoon, I got an email saying that the sneak peak to our engagement pictures were up! I quickly opened a new tab and just melted over these amazing photographs... Esther is ridiculous, the talent and eye she has is amazing, and we are so thrilled to have her capture these special moments in our lives.
These two... swoon! I loved that we got to go to two completely different places with contrasting backgrounds!

Ah, isn't she amazing?! The whole session was so fun and laid back, I highly recommend Esther and Danielle to anyone looking for not only truly amazing pictures, but also someone you can completely trust with your pictures. They're not only talented, but also super fun and awesome people and friends. I love them dearly and I'm so thankful for everything they have done for me (which goes way back before I was even engaged!)

And then I finished off the night with my creative activity for the day. I must say, I've been wanting to do something like this for about a year now, but never pushed myself to do so. I have had a secret love for this kind of art, I've admired it and even thought of ideas that I could use in one. So after the self-impose creativity challenge, I figured I had to! And I'm so happy I did! Although it took a couple of hours to do, it was super fun, and I am already thinking of the next one!

Creativity Today

So trees have been a recurring theme lately in my paintings and drawings. For some reason I am drawn to big trees with big roots and semi-naked branches, so they've been my inspiration lately. They remind me of being rooted in the Word, and letting everything flow out of a relationship with Jesus. It motivates me, and reminds me that I can't do life on my own. I think that's why I like these trees so much, apart from the aesthetics. So once again, I drew a tree, except that out of this drawing I made my very first stop motion film! And I am so excited to share it with you!


So since this is the first time I've ever done anything like this, any thoughts or comments are definitely appreciated!

Til tomorrow!

Puppies, soccer, and a pencil

Thursday, March 10, 2011


So yesterday was a good day, busy but good. Got to hang out for a while with the cutest baby in town, Cameron. He smiles the most out of all the kids I watch, and he loves to dance! He melts my heart every time I see him, SO sweet! Also, they have the sweetest cream retriever puppy, ah I love puppies!

I also got to do some reading, and for those of you looking to start, or that own your own business, Entrepreneur magazine is always a good read. Its so inspiring, and has tons of resources.
Then I played basketball with my bro (except we used a soccer ball... they're extra bouncy), which naturally turned into a soccer thing... but I must say, he is getting sooo good, I can't wait to see him at a tournament game! And then I did some wedding stuff (of course).

A highlight of my day yesterday was when Danielle sent me a text to hit up her blog asap, thankfully I was home (I'm not very patient) and I was able to hop on my laptop and see these awesome pictures of our engagement session that she had taken, they were sooo cute! Danielle is like a sister to me and I was so happy that she came with Esther to the session and took pictures too! I definitely admire her drive at picking up photography, and I can already see how much talent she has! This one is my favorite!!! Love the lush greenery in the background!

Anyways, I ended the night with a blog about purpose and creativity, so for my new challenge, here's my creative thing for the day...

Creative Today

So, my fiance asked me to do something like this. He said he wanted two arrows pointing towards the center, and then from the center have the skyline of Jerusalem in the upper part, and then have a tree (or garden, I believe) toward the bottom part. And this was my interpretation. Its all done in pencil, and on a page from my journal. I used the pencil and my finger to get the shadows at the corners, and with the help of my eraser, I did some of the tree's roots. Now, as far the meaning for this, he can better explain it than me, but its got something to do with church and community, and the merging of these two, instead of the separation (which seems to be the theme of a lot of churches nowadays). So here it is:

I'm so excited to share today's creative thing!! I've been working on it, and its my first of this kind of project, so be sure to check back tomorrow!

Wedding Crazyness

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So yesterday, what a day. This whole venue thing has got me so tied up in a knot that its been hard not to feel overwhelmed. Seriously, I am going to buy a building one day, and incorporate some kind of cool and non-traditional venue for weddings, you just watch, because its unbelievable how expensive and hard it is to come by these kind of places in this area! So I had a little meltdown yesterday concerning this, but thankfully, my husband-to-be is an amazing man and always know how to calm me down, even when he has to be stern, he is still always so loving... I'm a lucky girl! I feel so blessed, and still am in shock that I am marrying the best man for me!

So, we got to have dinner with his parents and narrowed down a couple of places for the wedding. I felt so much better after. Its really cool, not only do I get to spend the rest of my life with this amazing man, but I will also get to become part of his really cool family - my in-laws are super awesome people, and I love them. And knowing that my family (who are pretty awesome themselves) love Ryan also, and he loves them, is quite an overwhelming and amazing thing! This was a huge confirmation for me when we were dating, and I can't wait for the official merging of our families!

So in light of this, the venue hunt is a minor thing, and at the end of it all, in four months, it will be the beginning of a new and exciting adventure!


Monday, March 7, 2011

So I figured I'd write some more on the ordinary goings of my every day life. I have my other blog Life as I Know It but usually I write there only when there are some really strong emotions going through my head, whether they are the lows of seeing injustice, to the highs of getting engaged, this is my poetic outlet to these extremes I see or experience.

So here's more of a daily writing experience. I love writing, so here it goes:

Today was a good resting day. This past weekend was crrrrazzzy, but so good. Friday I was in Tampa, doing some venue searching with my future mother-in-law. My gosh, this whole wedding venue thing has turned into a hunt! We then had some lunch at Pane Rustica in South Tampa, and if you are ever in the area, you should definitely try the Chicken Salad there, my goodness, such deliciousness!!! It had an interesting combination of chicken, apple, celery, and some other yummy ingredients I couldn't really tell what they were. And it was served on squash... yum! Seriously, go there! I'm definitely trying to make this at home.

Then it was off to D-now, a really cool youth retreat in Tampa. I was one of the two leaders for 9 eighth grade girls, and man those girls had so much energy... this I found out at 3:30 in the morning when they finally decided they would go to bed. What an amazing group of girls, some were quiet, some quite talkative, but all unique and wonderful. We had some great worship, sermons, games, etc. And on top of it, I loved the fact that we got to serve together with my wonderful fiance, Ryan, who was one of the leaders for the eighth grade boys.

And then Sunday! I had been looking forward to this day for a while... it was the day for our engagement pictures! We met our friends Esther and Danielle, and headed to the park, where we did some fun shots. I was nervous before this, because the camera intimidates me, but I felt so at ease with them, and then Ryan totally made me laugh and really enjoy this time. I promise, there were times I was so immersed in being with him, talking and laughing, that I would forget our pictures were being taken. Then we headed to the beach for some dramatic shots, ah I can't wait to see how they turned out! It was so great and fun!!

So those were the highlights of my weekend. I got to sleep in today, and do some more wedding stuff, which included adding some content to our website! Woo hoo, almost done! Phew, wedding planning is tiring! But I do love it! And looking forward to that day, which is quickly coming up in four months, crazy! And then a lifetime with my love, I can't even share the the excitement behind that last statement!!

Until next time...

Life as I know it - Today - by Templates para novo blogger