Dance, pictures & Stop Motion

Friday, March 11, 2011

So yesterday was a good day, I slept in a bit, like I usually do because I go to bed way too late... getting a job soon will be a nice schedule adjustment, but the first morning is going to be a killer!
So I got a couple of quotes for wedding stuff... I feel like all these venue issues are going to be resolved soon, Lord willing, and I cannot wait to get to really focus on the little creative details, and really to just get married to my love!

Today I realized what the perfect work out for me is, you ready for this one? Just Dance on the Wii! I know, I know, I feel like I'm 15 when I say that, but oh my word, its so much fun! You see, I absolutely hate going to the gym, sometimes I'll pretend I like it, but I really don't. I think part of it is that the whole experience is so vague, and awkward! I never know what to do first, and making eye contact with any of the strangers there is just so weird! I don't know, maybe one day I'll warm up to it. But back to the point, the workout today was crazy cool and fun, I did the Just Sweat portion of the game, with 7 songs in a row, and oh man! I started feeling it during the second song! Seriously speaking though, anyone who hates the gym, or running, needs to do this. And I should get paid for free publicity to the makers of this game.

Later in the afternoon, I got an email saying that the sneak peak to our engagement pictures were up! I quickly opened a new tab and just melted over these amazing photographs... Esther is ridiculous, the talent and eye she has is amazing, and we are so thrilled to have her capture these special moments in our lives.
These two... swoon! I loved that we got to go to two completely different places with contrasting backgrounds!

Ah, isn't she amazing?! The whole session was so fun and laid back, I highly recommend Esther and Danielle to anyone looking for not only truly amazing pictures, but also someone you can completely trust with your pictures. They're not only talented, but also super fun and awesome people and friends. I love them dearly and I'm so thankful for everything they have done for me (which goes way back before I was even engaged!)

And then I finished off the night with my creative activity for the day. I must say, I've been wanting to do something like this for about a year now, but never pushed myself to do so. I have had a secret love for this kind of art, I've admired it and even thought of ideas that I could use in one. So after the self-impose creativity challenge, I figured I had to! And I'm so happy I did! Although it took a couple of hours to do, it was super fun, and I am already thinking of the next one!

Creativity Today

So trees have been a recurring theme lately in my paintings and drawings. For some reason I am drawn to big trees with big roots and semi-naked branches, so they've been my inspiration lately. They remind me of being rooted in the Word, and letting everything flow out of a relationship with Jesus. It motivates me, and reminds me that I can't do life on my own. I think that's why I like these trees so much, apart from the aesthetics. So once again, I drew a tree, except that out of this drawing I made my very first stop motion film! And I am so excited to share it with you!


So since this is the first time I've ever done anything like this, any thoughts or comments are definitely appreciated!

Til tomorrow!


Life as I know it - Today - by Templates para novo blogger