Wedding Crazyness

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So yesterday, what a day. This whole venue thing has got me so tied up in a knot that its been hard not to feel overwhelmed. Seriously, I am going to buy a building one day, and incorporate some kind of cool and non-traditional venue for weddings, you just watch, because its unbelievable how expensive and hard it is to come by these kind of places in this area! So I had a little meltdown yesterday concerning this, but thankfully, my husband-to-be is an amazing man and always know how to calm me down, even when he has to be stern, he is still always so loving... I'm a lucky girl! I feel so blessed, and still am in shock that I am marrying the best man for me!

So, we got to have dinner with his parents and narrowed down a couple of places for the wedding. I felt so much better after. Its really cool, not only do I get to spend the rest of my life with this amazing man, but I will also get to become part of his really cool family - my in-laws are super awesome people, and I love them. And knowing that my family (who are pretty awesome themselves) love Ryan also, and he loves them, is quite an overwhelming and amazing thing! This was a huge confirmation for me when we were dating, and I can't wait for the official merging of our families!

So in light of this, the venue hunt is a minor thing, and at the end of it all, in four months, it will be the beginning of a new and exciting adventure!


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