Tuesday, March 15, 2011
So I've been slacking a little bit in the whole writing a blog-per-day department, but bear with me, I'm new.
So to recap the last couple of days, Friday I didn't even have a chance to go on my laptop, I was in Land-O-Lakes for a job opp with the parents. I see how much of them is in me, I'm so happy I inherited some of their creativity and skill to work with their hands, to be crafty, its really neat. We've enjoyed watching HGTV together lately, ah I love the design shows!
After the job visit, we got to go to two possible wedding reception venues, and a sigh of relief escaped in me! I was so happy with both of them, and they both have our ideal date available. So happy! Now we're working on the cost analysis to be able to make a smart decision and be happy with it!
Saturday I did some spring cleaning in my room, phew, that seemed like it took all day, but it was kind of like a therapeutic cleaning, got to get rid of stuff I don't need or use, and organize things a bit. And then at night I got to hang out with my guy, and watch RED with him, mom and brother, while making on-the-spot trophies for our church's field day.
I found out we were in charge of doing them at around 10pm. No joke. So we improvised and I was pretty happy with it. We spent $0, and I had fun. I'm always up for anything creative. I only wish I had taken pictures to show them here. So I'll just describe them: The winning house church got a one litter ginger ale bottle covered in aluminum foil on a rounded cardboard stand - it was named "Solomon's Cup." The losing house church got a little water bottle covered in aluminum foil on a rounded stand (which came from a blank CDs storage thing) - it was named "Thanks for trying." The craziest (behavior or clothing) person got the "Look at me award" and it consisted of a old stuffed animal that we spray painted with different bright colors and put sunglasses on. The messiest person got a roll of toilet paper spray painted in silver paint and on a rounded cardboard stand. And the MVP got a duct tape nike tennis shoe - which took the longest to make!
So I figured this counted as my Friday creative thing.
Anywho, Sunday was breakfast at Dan and Carol's and off to field day. Ah it was fun, and good memories there, since it was during last year's field day that I met the love of my life. We had some good laughs, food, and then it was back home to relax. I immediately crashed on the couch while Ryan and my bro watched the basketball thing where they pick the teams that go on the championship? Yeah, can ya tell I don't keep up with sports at all?!
Then we did some wedding stuff with my mom, and that was that.
Yesterday I got to work on a project that I hadn't been able to do much with lately, but made some good progress and finished it today! Then off to the airport to pick up Janeth, and got to be excited of a (hopefully) soon visit to the homeland. Ah how I miss that place! I really can't wait to take Ryan, and Kels there one day soon. The food, the people, ah, you will never understand and appreciate it if you don't experience Colombia yourself!
And then of course, my very first bachelor finale. And yes, I was hooked. I don't want to admit it, because the show really is ridiculous and I don't believe in that kind of love, but whatever, it was entertaining!
And finally today. I was able to finish my project. Work out. Finish the venue cost analysis. And watch Glee (which has gotten a little more graphic than I would like). And got to post more of my mom and I's little watch project on Etsy. Here's a little preview of what they look like:
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Ready for shipping and gift-giving |
This is how they look on |
Creativity Today
So a couple of months ago I picked up a cute little shelf thing with the idea to revamp it. I never knew how much time I would invest in this, but now I know most of the time came as a result of my inexperience and lack of planning. I learned my lesson. But I also made myself finish the project, as daunting as it became. And I couldn't be happier with the result!
So this is it, in its original form. There's not much to it really, no wow or cool factor, so I wanted to add something to it. I sanded it down, and started thinking of what I wanted it to look like.
Here it is sanded, and and almost ready for a coat of primer.

After a few coats of vanilla paint, and some aging techniques on the edges, here is my final product! I took the little drawers out, and did the same process with them.
And here is the vintage, but modern feel that I was going for on the edges!
Now to find a place to put use it and pretty it up more with flowers and little decorations. This could perhaps be a little display shelf for my souvenirs of my travels around the world, I've never had a proper and appropriate place to display them!
I gotta say, I am loving this daily creativity thing!
Til tomorrow! (I mean it!)
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