Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hello, long time no see!

So life has been a little crazy, and I've had computer problems so its been a few days I haven't been able to blog. No reason to panic though! I am about to catch you up and share some fun projects!

So we left off last week on Wednesday, which honestly, I don't remember at all. So on to Thursday, a day which pretty much consisted of me starting to design my wedding invitations! Can we say amen?! Seriously, this is a project I should've started long ago. So that took up a lot of my day, and then I was off to the store to get a couple of last minute things for my creativity tody project, which I'll share here in second. And that was my day.

Creativity Today - Thursday
So, my wonderful future sister in law comissioned me my very first project. After seeing the apron I made my mom last week, she asked if I could make her beautiful daughter a shirt. You see, Riley Jane is turning two on April 2nd, and well, this deserves a super cute and fun outfit. So I decided to take up the challenge and learn my way through making this shirt. As you may remember, I have no previous experience sewing or anything like that, but hey, that's what this challenge is for. To be creative. To learn. So, the only info I knew was that Riley loves both elmo and abby. So after some brainstorming I decided to stick with abby and incorporate her personality (and colors) into the project.

I recruited my mom's help for this project, and with her sewing machine we were able to put it together! I love how it turned out, and I can't wait to see Riley wearing it!


Friday was a day to sleep in. I went to bed really late making the shirt, with the hopes I could send it on Friday, but well, that didn't work. Either way, in the afternoon we went on a little road trip to Miami to pick up my sister and dog!! Woo hoo. We got there, and after a long overdue cuddling time with my dog, we headed to a crepe place with my aunt and her family for dinner. Ah, I miss the real crepe restaurant from home. Seriously, nothing will ever compare. And then it was card playing time. Such a tradition.
Saturday we got up super early to head back home in time for the Single Moms Oil change. Unfortunately, our trip back lasted about six and a half hours (usually its a four hour ride), it was ridiculous! There was terrible fog, and then terrible traffic. Ugh, it was the worst. But we made it home safely, although we missed the Oil Change event. We took naps, had my dad's awesome food, had some snowballs with the family, and then played cards. I love my family.
Sunday was church in the am, and then lunch with Dan and Carol to start off our premarital counseling, yay! This made it even more real! It was a really good time, with honest conversations about church and what it should be like, and what we can do about it. And then an intro to counseling.
In the evening we went to Rita's for dinner. And it was also a sweet time. It was really cool how it happened that day, because sitting there talking to her I realized that she is a great example of what a true, God-honoring disciple is. I am so blessed by her, her love, and her testimony
Then we played some xbox kinect at home, and man, technology is craaaazy! But really cool. It was super fun!
Monday and Tuesday I did a whole lot of babysitting, and not a whole lot of sleeping in between. My body has been definitely letting me know that it is no good. But then again, I went to bed early tonight, and pretty much just laid there until I decided to get up and do something because sleep was totally evading me. This was about an hour ago, at 4:30 am. I applied to some jobs, and now here I am.
I didn't get a chance to do a creative thing on Tuesday, but Monday I definitely did, and so here it goes.

Creativity Today - Monday
So, I was inspired by the song Dream by Priscilla Ahn. I absolutely love this song. So I decided to pain the woods with sunlight coming behind it, a little girl that represented a bright but unknown future, and the night sky, all in one. I had no idea how to combine it all together, but somehow it worked. That's what I love about art - you let it, and it'll start coming alive on its own. Behind the night sky the lyrics to the song are written, although it is something you can't see in the picture. It is a simple painting, but it tells a story. The blue-gray hue gives it that dream-like impression I wanted. And the girl blowing the dandelion, well, she just makes the painting come together. So here it is. Enjoy!

Phew! That's a lot of catching up to do. Remind me not to do that again - the waiting to post blogs thing.
Will see you soon!

Life as I know it - Today - by Templates para novo blogger